Young people tend to doubt democracy
A new global poll shows that Gen Z and millennials around the world hold the least faith in democracy of any age group, presenting a grave threat to its future.
There is also a widespread disbelief that authoritarian states can deliver more effectively than democracies on both national and global priorities.
These findings come from an annual global survey conducted by the Open Society Foundations, published on 11th September. The survey, titled The Open Society Barometer (link below), reveals that over a third of respondents in the 18–35 age group express support for a strong leader who bypasses legislatures and elections.
However, the report, entitled ‘Open Society Barometer: Can Democracy Deliver?’, also highlights that the concept of democracy remains highly popular across every region of the globe, with 86 percent stating that they would prefer to live in a democratic state.
To the survey at Open Society Foundations
To the survey at Open Society Foundations
About the report in The Guardian
About the report in The Guardian