
Global challenges demand global co-operation. No single entity will be able to develop and implement the perfect solution to the world's greatest challenges. In line with this principle, a key aspect of our work is to gather diverse actors and assist collaborative efforts to: Explore new decision-making models that better address global catastrophic risks, paying particular attention to their effectiveness, fairness, and implementability. Offer original analysis and summarise existing knowledge in the field. Foster demand for change among institutions and the public.

In focus

Earth commission
Big Green Leaf containing the words Earth Commission work

Earth commission

Earth commission website
International Crisis Group
ICG logotype

International Crisis Group

ICG website
Plataforma CIPÓ
CIPO logotype

Plataforma CIPÓ

CIPÓ website

Current collaborations

Climate Change Counsel

Climate Change Counsel is a think-and-do-tank committed to accelerating climate change solutions through law. Its purpose is to provide research and insight on the legal frameworks related to climate change and energy transition. Additionally they engage and mobilise commercial lawyers in the fight against climate change.

Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) 

CEEW is one of Asia’s leading not-for-profit policy research institutions. The Council is also consistently ranked among the world’s top climate change think tanks.

Democracy Without Borders (DWB)

DWB promotes a right to democracy at all levels, global institutions that are democratic and effective, and equal global citizenship.

Earth Commission

The Earth Commission is the first holistic attempt to scientifically define and quantify a safe and just corridor for people and planet. It is aiming to establish scientific guardrails for Earth’s life support systems, building on and complementing existing assessments, such as those conducted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).

European Institute of Peace (EIP)

The European Institute of Peace designs and delivers sustainable peace processes and agreements. We provide practical experience, technical expertise and policy advice on conflict resolution.

Executive Office of the Secretary-General (EOSG), United Nations

EOSG was established initially in 1946 to assist the Secretary-General with relations with members and organs of the United Nations, and with specialised agencies and non-governmental organisations, as well as to assist with policy and coordination of the Secretariat.

Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative

The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative is a global effort to foster international cooperation to accelerate a transition to clean energy for everyone, end the expansion of coal, oil and gas, and equitably phase out existing production in keeping with what science shows is needed to address the climate crisis

Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability (FOGGS)

FOGGS is a think-and-do tank, serving at the same time as research and ideas-generation centre, discussion forum and advocacy mechanism. 

Global Governance Forum (GGF)

GGF promotes global governance to achieve unprecedented measures of prosperity, health, education, peace and justice.

High-Level Advisory Board (HLAB), United Nations University Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR)

HLAB was established to build on the ideas in Our Common Agenda – including the centrality of women and girls, and the need to take into account the interests of young people and future generations – to make concrete suggestions for more effective multilateral arrangements across a range of key global issues. 

Igarapé Institute

The Igarapé Institute is a think- and do tank directing its work to policy issues in public, climate and digital security, in order to address their possible consequences for development and democracy.

Institute for Future Studies (IFFS)

IFFS is an independent research foundation that promotes future perspectives in research and public debate.

International Crisis Group (ICG)

The International Crisis Group is an independent organisation working to prevent wars and shape policies that will build a more peaceful world.

International Peace Institute (IPI)

IPI is an independent, international not-for-profit think tank dedicated to managing risk and building resilience to promote peace, security, and sustainable development. To achieve its purpose, IPI employs a mix of policy research, strategic analysis, publishing, and convening. 

Iswe Foundation

Dedicated to social impact, Iswe Foundation finds failing governance structures at the root of the current crises. It promotes and assists popular decision-making through innovation, such as the creation of global citizens’ assemblies.

Kofi Annan Foundation

The Kofi Annan Foundation, an independent non-profit organization established in Switzerland in 2007 by the late former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, is committed to building peaceful, democratic, and resilient societies. The Foundation focuses on promoting peace, empowering youth, strengthening democracy, and fostering international cooperation.

Plataforma CIPÓ

Plataforma CIPÓ is an independent, non-profit, women-led research institute dedicated to issues of climate, governance and international relations from Latin American and Global South perspectives.


ReAct is an independent international network dedicated to addressing the complexities of antibiotic resistance. Functioning as a global catalyst, it collaborates with diverse stakeholders to advocate and promote collective action against antibiotic resistance worldwide.

Stockholm School of Economics (SSE)

SSE is an academic hub for students and researchers from all over the world. SSE has been ranked as one of the best business schools in Europe by the Financial Times.

Earlier collaborations

Future collaborations

The Global Challenges Foundation works to contribute to increased knowledge and awareness about global catastrophic risks and promote development of improved global governance to prevent the most severe and most pressing threats to humanity.

The Global Challenges Foundation provides co-operation and/or funding for projects that:

  • facilitate changes in global governance necessary to mitigate global catastrophic risks
  • foster a demand for change and generate plausible alternatives

Only proposals that align with these aims and objectives are eligible for financial support. Only non-profit organisations are entitled to support. Decisions regarding the allocation of funds are made by the foundation’s secretariat and board, taking into account the amount and type of application. We regret that we are unable to provide detailed reasoning for why grant applications are rejected.

In your first contact with the Global Challenges Foundation, do provide a background information about your organisation, as well as a project presentation. The project needs to clarify its alignment with the Global Challenges Foundation’s mission and vision, explain its goals and provide an approximate budget.

The Global Challenges Foundation does not have the possibility to accept persons for intern- or traineeships. Please note that the working language at the Global Challenges Foundation is Swedish. We appreciate your interest and encourage you to look at our LinkedIn page for any future opportunities that may arise. Thank you for your understanding.

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