Video-op: High-level COP 27-seminar Adaptation – business opportunities and responsibilities



Published 2022-11-22

In recent years the world has witnessed the impacts of climate change rapidly intensifying with more severe, frequent and unpredictable extreme weather events, and a rising sea level that threatens communities and countries all over the world. The private sector has in many ways taken a leading role in the establishment of mitigatory efforts, but a similar business-led movement on adaptation still needs to be developed.

In an open seminar arranged by the Global Challenges Foundation at COP 27 several high level global key decision makers, companies and organisations discussed the subject matter, while contributing and sharing their view points and experiences. Scroll down for the video recording.

Participants included:

  • HE Shauna Aminath, Maldives Minister of Environment, Climate Change & Technology
  • Victor Bernard, Program Officer at Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian law, RWI
  • Arunabha Ghosh, CEO and founder of the Council on Energy, Environment and Water, CEEW
  • Eija Hietavuo, Global Head of Corporate Affairs at Tetra Pak
  • Richard Klein, Team Leader International Climate Risk and Adaptation, Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute, SEI
  • Jimena Leiva Roesch, Director of Global Initiatives and Head of Peace, Climate, and Sustainable Development, International Peace Institute, IPI
  • Jan Svärd, CEO, EasyMining part of Ragn Sells Group
  • Eric Usher, Head of the UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative, UNEP FI

A policy discussion brief was also introduced, written by the researchers Richard Klein and Mikael Mikaelsson, both Stockholm Environment Institute, SEI.

Among discussion points were:

  • What opportunities are available for businesses?
  • How could governments and private sector actors work together and create an enabling environment?
  • What is needed to attract private capital? 

Additionally a number of best practices and case studies were presented. 

Adaptation: Business opportunities and responsibilities

Adaptation: Business opportunities and responsibilities

Video recording courtesy of Business Sweden at COP27.

Watch video-op on Youtube
The Role of Businesses in Climate Adaptation

The Role of Businesses in Climate Adaptation

Authors Richard Klein and Mikael Mikaelsson, both Stockholm Environment Institute, SEI.

Open brief
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