Transforming risk management


Report / Paper

Published 2024-01-24

Transforming risk management is an important task for Latin American countries. This report aims to comprehensively analyze risk management systems, focusing on strengthening the management of Global Catastrophic Risks (GCR). It provides a general perspective on global risks, while particularly examining Artificial Intelligence (AI), biosecurity and the effects of Abrupt Sunlight Reduction Scenarios (ASRS).

Latin America has high national and regional levels of exposure to GCRs in general. While the report finds limits in current efforts, it recommends contributions to initiatives related to nuclear disarmament and the elimination of biological weapons.

“Latin America and Global Catastrophic Risks – Transforming Risk Management” contains an interview about global catastrophic risks and global governance with Jens Orback, Executive Director of the Global Challenges Foundation.

Image of the bright colorful houses lining the shores of Puerto Rico

Latin America and Global Catastrophic Risks

Transforming Risk Management

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The organisation behind the report

Observatorio de Riesgos Catastróficos Globales (ORCG) is a scientific diplomacy organization emerging in February 2023. It scope is to formulate governance proposals that allow the comprehensive management of different global risks in Spanish-speaking countries.

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