A new peace agenda for a ‘multipolar world’



Published 2023-07-25

The UN secretary general has outlined hos his vision of a more robust multilateral framework to boost peace and security, for a world in flux.

In a press briefing 20 July the UN secretary general said that one of the keys to address the problems plaguing the planet is to accelerate work on the 2030 Agenda, a set of key global development goals. He noted that conflict prevention and sustainable development are mutually reinforcing. 

Moreover the secretary-general called for strong measures to prevent conflicts at the global level and address geopolitical divisions, prioritising diplomacy, and investments in regional security architectures.

An introduction to the brief at the UN’s office for political and peace building affairs (UNDPPA) can be read on this link.

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Commentary from Richard Gowen, UN Director, International Crisis Group (ICG)

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